
A Scriggofile is a text file with a specific format used by the scriggo command. The scriggo command uses the instructions in a Scriggofile to create an interpreter or to generate an importer to use in an existing application.

A Scriggofile defines which packages a program or template can import, what exported declarations in a package can be imported and so on.


The format of the Scriggofile is:

# A comment

A line starting with # is a comment, and the instructions are case insensitive but for convention are written in uppercase (the syntax recalls that used by Dockerfile).

A Scriggofile must be encoded as UTF-8, and it should be named Scriggofile or with the extension .Scriggofile as for example.Scriggofile.


The instructions are:


Makes almost all the packages in the Go standard library importable in a program or template executed by the application.

To view all packages imported execute from a console:

$ scriggo stdlib

IMPORT <package>

Makes the package with path package importable.

IMPORT <package> INCLUDING <A> <B> <C>

As for IMPORT <package> but only the exported names A, B and C are imported.

IMPORT <package> EXCLUDING <A> <B> <C>

As for IMPORT <package> but the exported names A, B and C are not imported.

IMPORT <package> AS <as>

As for IMPORT <package> but the path by which it can be imported is named as. INCLUDING and EXCLUDING can be used as for the other forms of IMPORT at the end of the instruction. Is not possible to use a path as that would conflict with a Go standard library package path, even if this latter is not imported in the Scriggofile.


Sets the name of the variable to which the value of type native.Packages is assigned with the packages to import. By default, the name is packages. This instruction is read only by the import command.


Sets the name of the package of the generated Go source file. By default, the name of the package is main. This instruction is read only by the import command.